Comfortable Care

Mary H. Smith, DDS dental suite

Our doctors amaze our patients every day by the use of a prescription strength topical anesthetic and the Comfort Control Syringe™ system to inject anesthetic prior to treatment.

If your gums are sensitive, our office offers Cyclorinse™, a specially formulated pre-oral rinse that numbs the tissues to allow our doctors to perform full and complete treatment of your mouth, absent of discomfort.

We think beyond care of your mouth when treating our patients. We protect your eyes by the use of Rollens™ wrap around eye shields. We provide contoured neck pillows and blankets if desired. To minimize the sound of our equipment that sometimes bothers our patients, we use noise-cancelling headphones with a selection of music. Television is also an option during procedures. Should your jaws become uncomfortable during a treatment, our staff is quick to apply hot compresses to relieve the discomfort.

For those patients who are truly apprehensive about their visit, we offer Nitrous Oxide and/or mild prescription medication so that we may provide the best dental care and ensure your dental health.